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Meehan: Exploration Research: Documentary Credits

Documentary Credits

  • At the conclusion of the documentary, you must provide a list of credits for all of your research sources, maps and images.
  • These credits should be brief—NOT the full citations from your Works Cited page.
  • Generally for your credits, you should choose the name of the largest "container" for your sources.  These titles are also in italics in your full citation. 
  • Examples of large "containers" are:  
    • Website Titles
    • Database Titles
    • Book Titles
    • Newspaper Titles
    • Magazine Titles

  • You are not required to credit individual images or video clips while the documentary is playing; that is the purpose of the credits at the end.
  • Do not list Google Images or Pinterest in your credits.  You need to find out what website the photo is from.  
  • When gathering photos, try to search places that you are likely to find many photos.  Since you will need to list the source where you found each photo, it would be wise to find your photos from a source that contains many photos on your country.  Some suggested places to find many photos are:

Example of Documentary Credits

Special Thanks:

Henry Hudson: In Search of the Northwest Passage

Gale World History in Context

Cavendish Square: Explorers and Exploration

The Norman B. Leventhal Map Center

The Mariner's Museum and Park



Music by WeVideo


Documentary Example: NHD