How to . . .
5 "Reputable Sources": book(s) , database article(s), scholarly webarticle(s)
cause/variable(s) - effect(s)
requirements needed
system function
mix of source types create Noodletools project save citations in Noodletools read & highlight paraphrase highlighted section(s) create (In-text citation) for each
Use the above link and then look for these symbols to search for a book or log in to place a hold:
Log in to place a book on hold/open an e-book (Top right corner)
LOGIN: Username = 1st part of LSA gmail to graduation year Example - iread25
Password = lasalle (all lower case letters!)
Search for a Book using VERY GENERAL TERM or "SEARCH PHRASE"
1) Visit the LSA Library Webliography Page to Locate an Academic Website by Subject!
Search for website(s) related to your topic
Remember: use web sources w/Top Lebel domains:
.org .gov and/or .edu
Advanced Short Code Search [use nouns and "noun phrases"]
Main Idea Subtopic Limiter (population, location etc.) site:org
2) Google Advance Source Code Search