How to Create a Website Citation for an Individual Article/Page in Noodletools
1. In NoodleTools, click the sources button to the right of the project title you want to work on.
3. Click on the green New Source button at the top right:
4. Choose Website:
5. Then choose from the list what you are citing. Most of the time you will choose Web Page for articles you find on Websites.
6. Complete the fields that NoodleTools provides. They will vary depending on what you are citing.
7. Click on the blue SAVE button at the top.
Domain: .gov, .edu, .org, .com
Website Title: Usually found in top left hand corner or sometimes top center
Article Title: Can also be called webpage title
Author: Usually found near article title or at the end of the article
Date: Usually found near article title or at the end of the article
Publisher/Sponsor: Found at bottom of page near copyright date.©