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National History Day 2024 - High School: NoodleTools

How to Use Noodletools: Step-by-Step Tutorials (Click on separate tabs for tutorials)

How to Create a Video Citation

1. In NoodleTools, click the sources button                             to the right of the project title you want to work on.

3.  Click on the green New Source button at the top right:  

4.  If you found the video online, choose Website:   


5.  Choose Video Clip (Online)  (in green) from the list (middle column).



6.  Complete the fields that NoodleTools provides:

URL:  Copy and paste URL

Date of Publication:  Original date of video or date uploaded.  If both dates are given, use the original date.  If no date is given, leave blank.

Most Recent date of access:  click Today

Title of Video Clip:  List the title of video.  If none is given, give it a brief title.

Contributors:  List the name of person who posted video.  If no name is given, leave blank.

Name of Site:  List the site where you found video (Ex.  YouTube).

Publisher of Site:  Scroll down website to find near copyright date.  If it is the same as the Website name, leave blank.


7.  Click on the blue SAVE button at the top. 

Click on the green New Source button at the top right:  



4.  Choose File, app, ebook:  



5.  Then choose E-book from the list:  



6.  Near top, and find the Import ISBN field. Type/Paste in the ISBN number in the blank box and click search.


7.  Click on the book title in the box.  When you click on it it will change to a blue color.


8.  Click on Import Selected Source at the bottom of the box.  


9.  Check the information, make any necessary changes and then click Continue at the bottom.  


10.  Click on the blue SAVE button at the top.  

Need additional help, click here for additional tutorials from the Noodletools Help Desk.  


If are trying to print your Works Cited page and it will not open in Google Docs, see help below:

For the Print/Export button to work, you must allow pop-ups.


In the Safari browser:

Hit the Command Key (left of spacebar) AND the Comma Key at the same time.

Choose Websites on the menu along the top.

Choose Pop-Up Windows at bottom of left column

Find in the list of websites in the box on right.

Change from Block and Notify to Allow.

Refresh Noodletools page.

Try Print/Export to Noodletools again.

In the Chrome browser:



To View the Outline Template, check off the Outline box while in the notecard Tabletop View


You can add or delete topics and subtopics by clicking on the plus sign.

You can change the name of the topic or subtopic, by double-clicking on it and typing your own words.  


To remove a Topic/subtopic, highlight the topic or subtopic and click the delete button.  



Once your outline is ready, you can drag your notecards or piles over to the Topic or Subtopic that they relate to.  You can also drag them within the outline to adjust their order or location.

You can also use the arrows to move topics and subtopics up and down or use the left and right arrows to change a subtopic to a topic and vise versa.  



When ready to print, click on Print icon at the top of the outline and choose "Outline with Notecards".  Check off the notecard details you would like included in your outline.  You can begin writing your paper from your detailed outline.  






To EDIT a Notecard, double-click on the Notecard in the Tabletop View.




To create a NOTECARD PILE:

1. Go to the Tabletop View:


2. The easiest way to create a PILE of similar notecards is to drag a notecard on top of another one that you would like in the same pile. Once you do this, NoodleTools will prompt you to name the pile.  Give the pile a short name that describes the cards within the pile.



View Pile:  If you would like to see which cards are in the pile, click on the arrow in the top left. 


How to UNPILE a Notecard:

If you just wish to remove a notecard(s) from a pile, simply drag it out of the pile when in the View Pile mode (see above).



How to UNPILE an Entilre Pile of Notecards:

If you created a pile of notecards that you no longer wish to be piled together, drag all of the notecards out of the pile.  When you have verified that no notecards are in the pile, you can delete the pile.



1. From the project page, click on the orange notecard button.


2. Click on the green NEW NOTECARD button.  


3. For each notecard from an online source (website, database, e-book, etc.), you will fill in FOUR fields:

In the NOTECARD TITLE field, type in what the information on the notecard is about (subtopic) in 1 to 4 words - be as specific as possible, as this will help you organize your notecards later.  Do Not NUMBER your cards using the main topic (ex.  Spanish Exploration 1, Spanish Exploration 2, Spanish Exporation 3 - do not do this.  

In the SOURCE field, choose from the drop down menu the source where the information for this card is coming from.

In the DIRECT QUOTATION field, copy and paste the information you wish to include on your notecard (this should be no more than a SENTENCE or two).   

In the PARAPHRASE OR SUMMARY section, you will paraphrase what you copy and pasted.  This means it should be in your own words. - using bullet points might be helpful.   Check your paraphrase against the copy and pasted box to make sure you are factually accurate and that it is in your own words and voice.  

5.  When complete, click Save and Close in the top right-hand corner.  


6. If your notecard is from a print source (book, encyclopedia, etc.), you will fill in FOUR fields:


In the NOTECARD TITLE field, type in what the information on the notecard is about (subtopic) in 1 to 4 words - be as specific as possible, as this will help you organize your notecards later.  Do Not NUMBER your cards using the main topic (ex.  Spanish Exploration 1, Spanish Exploration 2, Spanish Exporation 3 - do not do this.  

In the SOURCE field, choose from the drop down menu the source where the information for this card is coming from.

In the PAGE field, enter the page number(s) that the information on your card is coming from.

In the PARAPHRASE OR SUMMARY section, you will paraphrase the information from your book or encyclopedia..  This means it should be in your own words. - using bullet points might be helpful.   Check your paraphrase against the information in the book to make sure you are factually accurate and that it is in your own words and voice.  

7.  When complete, click Save and Close in the top right-hand corner.  

Print Works Cited page

In order to print, you need to be on your Sources page - the page with your citations.  If you are not there, then click the sources button                             next to your project title.  

2.  On your Sources page, click the Print icon 

3. Click Print/Export to Google Docs.  


4.  Choose All Sources and click the blue Submit button. 


5.  Allow Noodletools to access your LSA Google Account.


6.  Your Works Cited page should open in Google Docs and is called:  Sources For  (Your Project Title)


7.  If your Works Cited page does not open in Google Docs, see the More Help  tab.  Usually, you need to allow pop-ups.




How to Create an Encyclopedia/Reference Source (Print) Citation using ISBN number.

1. Find the ISBN number for your encyclopedia  Look at the back of your encyclopedia, the ISBN number is usually above the barcode or it is on the back of the title page of your book near the copyright information.  Copy or write down this number.  If you don't have the book with you, you could also find the ISBN in the Library Catalog or search for the book on Amazon and find ISBN there.  Make sure you find the same book.  (If your encyclopedia is older than 1970, it will not have an ISBN.  You will need to type in the parts of the book citation in the correct fields).  




2.  In NoodleTools, click the sources button                             to the right of the project title you want to work on.


3.  Click on the green New Source button at the top right:  


4.  Choose Print or in-hand:  

5.  Then choose Reference Source (in gray) from the list: 

6.  Near top, and find the Import ISBN field:  

7. Type in the ISBN number in the blank box and click the blue search button. 

(If your book is older than 1970, it will not have an ISBN.  You will need to type in the parts of the reference source citation in the correct fields and click on the green save button when finished).  

8.  Click on the correct title that matches your ISBN.  When you click on it, it will change color (from white to blue).

9.  Click on Import Selected Source at the bottom of the box. 

10.  Check the information, make any necessary changes and then click Continue at the bottom. 

11.  Fill in the following fields:

Author of Article Entry:  List the name(s) found at the beginning or very end of the individual encyclopedia article.

Article/Entry Title:  List the name of the individual article using Title Case.

Pages:  List pages numbers of the article                                                                                                           

Contributors of Reference Source as a Whole:  If your encyclopedia had an editor(s), change the role to Editor and add name(s).

12.  Check the rest of the information to make sure it is correct.

13.  Click on the blue SAVE button on the top. 

How to Create a Personal Interview Citation

(This is for an Interview that YOU did with another person.  

If you found an interview ONLINE, choose Website and then Interview (in pink)).


1. In NoodleTools, click the sources button                             to the right of the project title you want to work on.


3.  Click on the green New Source button at the top right:  

4.  Choose Viewed/heard live: 

5.  Choose Interview (in pink) from the list.


6.  Complete the fields that NoodleTools provides.  Click on + Add Another Contributor to get additional boxes for interviewer and interviewees.

For Interview format:  From dropdown menu for interview format:  Choose personal if you have the interview in person.  Choose telephone, if you have the interview over the phone.  Choose email, if you send questions by email.  Choose instant messenger, if you conduct the interview with text messages.  Choose letter, if you mail the questions and they mail the responses back.  Choose videoconference, if you have the video via Facetime, Zoom, GoogleMeets or Skype.  

Then, Check off “I conducted this interview”

For Interview participants: Make sure you add another contributor (you must have two fields).

For InterviewEE:  this is the name of the person you interviewed (ex. Your Grandmother’s name - first and last).

For InterviewER:  this is your name (first and last)

Date of Interview:  fill in date of interview.

 7.  Click on the blue SAVE button at the top. 

How to Create a Music Citation

1. In NoodleTools, click the sources button                             to the right of the project title you want to work on.


3.  Click on the green New Source button at the top right:  


4.  Choose Website:  

 (Note:  If you have the actual CD or record, choose Print or in-hand and then select Sound Recording).


5.  Choose Sound Recording (in green) from the list (middle column). 

6.  First, complete the fields about your website.  For Name of Container website, put the website title (ex.  YouTube, iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify, etc.).  Also, complete Publisher, URL and Most Recent Date of Access (Today’s Date).  


7. Next, complete information on the Single Song/Track  - Click on the down arrow on the far right to see all of the fields to complete.. 


  Change the ROLE to Actor/Performer. 

Fill in the Actor/Performer with the Name of the Artist (ex. Harry Styles) or Group Name (ex. The Beatles).

Fill inTitle of Song.  

7.  Next, complete fields for Sound Recording:

Fill in Title of Album, Manufacturer of Recording (Name of Record Company/Label - ex.Sony, Warner, Universal, etc.) and Copyright Year (year album was released).  


 8.  Click on the blue SAVE button at the top. 

1. Go to

2.  Click on Login button in upper right hand corner.  

3.  Click on Google button.  

4.  Login/Register with your LSA email.

How to Create a Book Citation  in Noodletools using ISBN number

1. Find the ISBN number for your book.  Look at the back of your book, the ISBN number is usually above the barcode or it is on the back of the title page of your book near the copyright information.  Copy or write down this number.  If you don't have the book with you, you could also find the ISBN in the Library Catalog or search for the book on Amazon and find ISBN there.  Make sure you find the same book.  (If your book is older than 1970, it will not have an ISBN.  You will need to type in the parts of the book citation in the correct fields).  




2.  In NoodleTools, click the sources button                             to the right of the project title you want to work on.


3.  Click on the green New Source button at the top right:  


4.  Choose Print or in-hand:  


5.  Then choose Book from the list:  


6.  Near top, and find the Import ISBN field. Type/Paste in the ISBN number in the blank box and click search.


7.  Click on the book title in the box.  When you click on it it will change to a blue color.


8.  Click on Import Selected Source at the bottom of the box.  


9.  Check the information, make any necessary changes and then click Continue at the bottom.  


10.  Click on the blue SAVE button at the top.  



How to Create a Photo or Artwork Citation

1. In NoodleTools, click the Project Title sources button                             to the right of the project title you want to work on.

3.  Click on the green New Source button at the top right:  



4.  Choose Website:  


5.  Then Choose Photo or Image (in green) from the list (middle column).



6.  Complete the fields that NoodleTools provides:

Name of Container Website:  List the website where you found photo artwork (NOT Google Images or Pintrest).

Publisher of Site:  Scroll down website to find near copyright date.  If it is the same as the Website name, leave blank.

URL:  Copy and paste URL

Most Recent date of access:  click Today

Artist:  List the name of photographer or artist, if known.  If none is given, leave blank. 

Title of Image/Artwork: List the title of the photograph or artwork.  If none is given, you can briefly describe the photo (ex. Jackie Robinson at Baseball Hall of Fame Induction).

Date Created:  List date of photograph or when artwork was created.  If none is given, leave blank.  Do not list upload date.  This date is for historical purposes, so it should be the original date of photograph or artwork.   However, if you know the date or year of the photograph because the photo was taken the day of a historical event, you can list that date.  


 7.  Click on the blue SAVE button at the top.  

NoodleTools Instructions - Entire Website


NHD Rule 16:  Bundle photos or other materials from the same collection in a single citation.


Therefore, if you have several items (articles, photos, etc), coming from the same website, you should cite the website once as the entire website.  You can explain all the different resources you used from this website in your annotation.    


How to Cite and entire Website in Noodletools

1. In NoodleTools, click on your project title and then click on the sources tab at the top of the page:

3.  Click on the green Create New Citation button: 

4.  Choose Website: 


5.  Then choose Web Page from the list. 


6.  Complete the fields that NoodleTools provides.  They will vary depending on what you are citing.   

  • Fill in the URL at the top.  (Example:   - it should just be the URL of the homepage)

  • Skip Date of Publication 

  • Date of Access - click today.

  • SKIP Contributors.

  • SKIP the Article Title. 

  • Fill in Name of Website - Usually found in the top left corner or the top of the page. 

  • For the Publisher, look near the copyright date at the bottom to find the publisher.  If you cannot find it there, look for an About Us or Contact Us page.

  • If the Publisher's name is the SAME as the website title or the author, leave the publisher box blank.

7.  Click on the blue SAVE button at the top. 

COMPLETE these Fields

SKIP/Leave Blank

URL - of the homepage

Date of Publication

Date of Access


Name of Website

Article Title



How to Create a Website Citation for an Individual Article/Page in Noodletools

1. In NoodleTools, click the sources button                             to the right of the project title you want to work on.


3.  Click on the green New Source button at the top right:  


4.  Choose Website:  

5.  Then choose from the list what you are citing.  Most of the time you will choose Web Page for articles you find on Websites.   

6.  Complete the fields that NoodleTools provides.  They will vary depending on what you are citing.   

  • Fill in the URL at the top.  (Example:
  • Date of Publication is the date of the article.  If two dates are given, choose the most recent date. If you can’t find a date, leave it blank.  
  • Date of Access - click today.
  • Contributors, change role to Author.   If your article has an author, fill in their name.  If no author, leave blank. If more than one author, click on +Add Contributor and fill in their name.
  • Make sure you add the Article Title. This is often skipped by students, but you need to fill it in. 
  • Fill in Name of Website - Usually found in the top left corner or the top of the page. 
  • For the Publisher, look near the copyright date at the bottom to find the publisher.  If you cannot find it there, look for an About Us or Contact Us page.
  • If the Publisher's name is the SAME as the website title or the author, leave the publisher box blank.

7. Click on the blue SAVE button at the top.  


How to Export a Citation from a Database

1.  You must be logged into your project and on the Sources page of Noodletools. 

2.  Go to your database article and click on the Cite button (Gale, ProQuest and JSTOR) or Export button (EBSCO)  and choose Noodletools.  See pictures at bottom of this tutorial.

3.  Double-check that citation is in  MLA format and it is going to the correct project.  Then, hit the Import Reference button.


4.  Go back to your sources page in Noodletools.  You will need to hit the refresh button to see the citation.


Gale Databases:






EBSCO (Export):







How to Copy a Citation from a Database

1.  Copy MLA 8 or 9 formatted citation from database.  


2. In NoodleTools, click the sources button                             to the right of the project title you want to work on.


3.  Click on the green New Source button at the top right:  


4.  Choose Database:  


5.  Then choose Original Content in Database:  


6.  Near top, click on 


7.  Paste your copied database citation in the box:  

8.  Click on the blue SAVE button at the top.  

1.  On the project you wish to share, go to the right of the title and place your cursor under Sharing and a + sign will appear.

2.  Click on the + sign and then click on + Add Student.

3.  In the Enter Student's Personal ID Box, enter the other student's LSA email address.

4. Click on Full Collaborator if you would like the other student to be able to edit, add and delete sources (citations) and notecards.

5. Click on Peer-Reviewer if you would just like the other student to be able to view your sources (citations) and notecards.

6. Click Done.

7.  If you were successful, you should now see the other student's email listed.


1.  On the project you wish to share, go to the right of the title and place your cursor under Sharing and a + sign will appear.

2.  Click on the + sign and then click on + Share.

3.  In the Project Inbox Name box begin typing the name of your teacher's inbox.  As you type, it should auto fill in with the full inbox name.  Click on the full inbox name and click Done.





1. After logging in, click on green New Project button in upper right corner.  

2. Give your project a brief title about your topic (1 - 3 words).

3. Check off MLA.

4. Check off Junior (choose Advanced if NHD project - National History Day).