Just a reminder that EBSCO resources will work in Rhode Island only. Therefore, if you live in MA or CT, you can access these resources while at La Salle and then you can download a PDF or send article to your Google Drive to access from home.
For this guide, EBSCO resources include:
Digital access to the New York Times website is now available!
Before logging into NYTimes.com, students and faculty MUST activate a digital pass by going to nytimes.com/passes. If you try to login at NYTimes.com using your school email address before activating your digital pass, you will be unsuccessful. Please also note that the authentication confirmation email will come from nytdirect@nytimes.com. Once you receive your confirmation email, you MUST click the link inside the email to finish setting up your account. If you would like to video that demonstrates this process, click here.
Citing the New York Times website is easy in Noodletools. Simply paste the URL as you normally would do when citing a website in Noodletools. Then, click the blue Smart Import button that will appear after you paste the URL. Noodletools will autofill the remainder of the fields for you. Before saving, review the fields and check for any yellow-outlined boxes that need editing. The Smart Import button will also work for some other websites, such as BBC, History.com and PubMed Central.