MY DEMO TOPIC: How do honey bees build viable hives?
3 Reasons for Inserting In-Text Citations in your paper:
1) Paraphrase = Facts, dates, information shared from original source; using YOUR vocabulary and sentence structure!
More than 900 species of bees exist worldwide (Kincaid).
2) Summary = Main concept or idea from original source put in
YOUR words & grammar
Colony collapse disorder has become a growing threat to honey bees over the past 15 years (Siefert).
3) Quote (exact) "direct quote" from original source
2 Situations when In-Text citations are NOT Required
A) Common Knowledge - Something everyone knows
Our sun is a star.
Honey bees produce honey.
B) When the author is mentioned within the sentence where the paraphrase or summary appears
According to Wood, sanitation is a major variable in hive productivity.
(Parenthetical) / In-text Citations
MLA 9th Edition
Period . for sentence with (in-text citation) placed @ END of sentence!
More than 150 crops in the U.S. are reliant upon honeybees and other pollinators to produce fruit (O'Toole 10).
Full citation for book:
O'Toole, Christopher. Bees a Natural History. Firefly, 2013.
YOUR Works Cited Page: Full Citations -> (In-text) Citations
* A minimum of one (in-text citation) for every full citation on Works Cited page!