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Engineering Fair: Noodletools - Note Cards

How to Create a New Notecard for Database, Website or E-Book


1. Open your project by clicking on the project title. 


2.  Go to the Notecards page, by clicking on Notecards on the left blue column.


2. Click on the green NEW NOTECARD button.  


3. For each notecard from an online source (website, database, e-book, etc.), you will fill in FOUR fields:

In the NOTECARD TITLE field, type in what the information on the notecard is about (subtopic) in 1 to 4 words - be as specific as possible, as this will help you organize your notecards later.    

In the SOURCE field, choose from the drop down menu the source where the information for this card is coming from.

In the DIRECT QUOTATION field, copy and paste the information you wish to include on your notecard (this should be no more than a SENTENCE or two).   

In the PARAPHRASE OR SUMMARY section, you will paraphrase what you copy and pasted.  This means it should be in your own words. - using bullet points might be helpful.   Check your paraphrase against the copy and pasted box to make sure you are factually accurate and that it is in your own words and voice.  

5.  When complete, click Save and Close in the top right-hand corner.