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Grillo: Saint Project: Print Notecards

How to Print Notecards to submit to Mrs. Grillo

1.  In Noodletools, select Notecards and Tabletop View:


2. Click on the Send/Export button and select Print/Export to Google Docs:

3. Check off the following 3 boxes:  Export All Notecards, Source and Paraphrase, then click Submit.


4. You may need to give permission for Noodletools to access your DLS Gmail.  Then, a Google Doc will open.  This Google Doc is what you will submit to Mrs. Grillo for your Notecard assignment.


How to Put Notecard Content on Google Doc to Create Essay

1.  In Noodletools, select Notecards and Tabletop View:


2. Click on the Send/Export button and select Print/Export to Google Docs:

3. Check off the following 2 boxes:  Export All Notecards and Paraphrase, then click Submit.


4. You may need to give permission for Noodletools to access your DLS Gmail.  Then, a Google Doc will open.  You can organize your paraphrases into an essay using this Google Doc.