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Meehan: Exploration Research: Databases

Cavendish Square: Explorers and Exploration

  • Search your country name or find it alphabetically.
  • Navigate through the article by clicking on next section in the botton right of each page OR using the section titles located on the left side of the page.
  • Be sure to check out the Investigate section in the bottom left ot find additional articles related to your search (second article).
  • Click Cite in top left and choose Noodletools to export your citation to Noodletools.

Find Database Passwords on Blackbaud

To access these Databases at home/off-campus, you will need the LSA username and password.  If your forgot the username and password, they are available on Blackbaud.  
Blackbaud > Resources > Library


World History in Context (Gale)

  • Try searching your country name and explor*  (ex. Spain and explor*)
  • By using the asterisk*, this will give you all the variations: explore, explores, exploration, explorer
  • Click on REFERENCE and scross through the REFERENCE articles fo find articles on your country's exploration.  Try doing the same for Biographies.
  • Within a helpful article, find Related Subjects to the right.  Click on any that look helpful for additional articles.  
  • Click in the top right and then click the Noodletools button to export your citation to Noodletools.


Biography in Context