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Meehan: Exploration Research: Noodletools-Note Cards

How to Create a New Notecard


1. From the project page, click on the orange notecard button to the right of your project..


2. Click on the green NEW NOTECARD button.  


3. For each notecard from an online source (website, database, e-book, etc.), you will fill in FOUR fields:

In the NOTECARD TITLE field, type in what the information on the notecard is about (subtopic) in 1 to 4 words - be as specific as possible, as this will help you organize your notecards later.  Do Not NUMBER your cards using the main topic (ex.  Spanish Exploration 1, Spanish Exploration 2, Spanish Exporation 3 - do not do this.  

In the SOURCE field, choose from the drop down menu the source where the information for this card is coming from.

In the DIRECT QUOTATION field, copy and paste the information you wish to include on your notecard (this should be no more than a SENTENCE or two).   

In the PARAPHRASE OR SUMMARY section, you will paraphrase what you copy and pasted.  This means it should be in your own words. - using bullet points might be helpful.   Check your paraphrase against the copy and pasted box to make sure you are factually accurate and that it is in your own words and voice.  

5.  When complete, click Save and Close in the top right-hand corner.  


6. If your notecard is from a print source (book, encyclopedia, etc.), you will fill in FOUR fields:


In the NOTECARD TITLE field, type in what the information on the notecard is about (subtopic) in 1 to 4 words - be as specific as possible, as this will help you organize your notecards later.  Do Not NUMBER your cards using the main topic (ex.  Spanish Exploration 1, Spanish Exploration 2, Spanish Exporation 3 - do not do this.  

In the SOURCE field, choose from the drop down menu the source where the information for this card is coming from.

In the PAGE field, enter the page number(s) that the information on your card is coming from.

In the PARAPHRASE OR SUMMARY section, you will paraphrase the information from your book or encyclopedia..  This means it should be in your own words. - using bullet points might be helpful.   Check your paraphrase against the information in the book to make sure you are factually accurate and that it is in your own words and voice.  

7.  When complete, click Save and Close in the top right-hand corner.  


How to Edit and Organize Notecards


To EDIT a Notecard, double-click on the Notecard in the Tabletop View.



To create a NOTECARD PILE:

1. Go to the Tabletop View:

2. The easiest way to create a PILE of similar notecards is to drag a notecard on top of another one that you would like in the same pile. Once you do this, NoodleTools will prompt you to name the pile.  Give the pile a short name that describes the cards within the pile.


View Pile:  If you would like to see which cards are in the pile, click on the arrow in the top left. 

How to UNPILE a Notecard:

If you just wish to remove a notecard(s) from a pile, simply drag it out of the pile when in the View Pile mode (see above).


How to UNPILE an Entilre Pile of Notecards:

If you created a pile of notecards that you no longer wish to be piled together, drag all of the notecards out of the pile.  When you have verified that no notecards are in the pile, you can delete the pile.




How to Create and Print an Outline


To View the Outline Template, check off the Outline box while in the notecard Tabletop View


You can add or delete topics and subtopics by clicking on the plus sign.

You can change the name of the topic or subtopic, by double-clicking on it and typing your own words.  


To remove a Topic/subtopic, highlight the topic or subtopic and click the delete button.  


Once your outline is ready, you can drag your notecards or piles over to the Topic or Subtopic that they relate to.  You can also drag them within the outline to adjust their order or location.

You can also use the arrows to move topics and subtopics up and down or use the left and right arrows to change a subtopic to a topic and vise versa.  


When ready to print, click on Print icon at the top of the outline and choose "Outline with Notecards".  Check off the notecard details you would like included in your outline.  You can begin writing your paper from your detailed outline.