Put quotes around two or more words to search for that exact phrase:
"dark chocolate"
"milk chocolate"
"renewable energy"
"climate change"
"to be or not to be"
To search only .edu websites
site:edu chocolate
To search only .gov websites
site:gov chocolate
To search only a particular website - ex. National Institutes of Health
site:nih.gov chocolate
Room Name: ahajian
To remove unwanted results from search:
Use minus - for Google and NOT in databases
In databases, use the word NOT
To search salsa, but not salsa dancing
salsa NOT dancing
birds NOT endangered
In Google, use the - minus sign
salsa -dancing -dance
birds -endangered
bono -sonny -pro
NO SPACE between minus sign and unwanted word
Use OR to search synonyms of the same idea
"global warming" OR "climate change"
chocolate and health OR benefits OR flavonoids
chocolate health OR benefits OR flavonoids
Google automatically uses AND when you type in keywords. For example, if you type endangered birds into Google, it will be interpreted as endangered AND birds, thus automatically search for pages with both search terms.
In databases and book searches, you must use the word AND for the database to find articles with both/all search terms.
Many words have multiple variations and how do you pick the correct one? To solve this problem, you can have Google search all variations from the root word by using an asterisk *. For example, if you were searching for information on France's economy, you could search France econom*
The econom* will find results with all forms of the word: