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Hajian: Digital Literacy 21: II: Notecards

Notecard Rules

Each Notecard has 3 parts:  

  1. Subtopic (top LEFT corner)
  2. Source/In-text Citation (top RIGHT corner)
  3. Paraphrased Facts/Information (Main part of card)

Subtopic (top LEFT corner)

  • Should be 1 to 2 words
  • Should NEVER be your topic (ex. Cyberbullying 1)
  • Should identify what the facts on your card are about

Source/In-text Citation (top RIGHT corner)

  • Provide the in-text citation for the source where you found the information
  • Remember to look at first word of your full citation to get the in-text citation

Paraphrased Information (Main Part of Card)

  • In bullet or sentence form
  • Paraphrased facts/information from source
  • Put information into your own words/sentence structure


3 Parts of a Notecard


Notecard Don'ts - Do Not Number Cards


Notecard Dos - Create Subtopic for Each Card


Notecard Don'ts - Do Not Use Your Research Topic for each card


Notecard Dos - Use SUBTOPICS


Mrs. Hajian's Video on Notecards

Making In-text Citations from Your Works Cited page


Notecard Assignment - 4 Cards - Follow this Format


Notecard Assignment - Sample Card
